Donald Trump lifts anti-corruption rules in ‘gift to the American oil lobby’

Campaigners alarmed as president expunges element of Dodd-Frank Act. Energy companies no longer need disclose payments to foreign governments  By Dominic Rushe / The Guardian / Tuesday 14 February 2017 16.26 EST Donald Trump moved on Tuesday to expunge rules aimed at forcing oil companies to disclose payments made to foreign governments in order to secure lucrative mining and…

EDITORIAL: The Guardian view on Donald Trump’s team: not the new normal

The president-elect has appointed oilmen, bankers, generals and anti-government ideologues. It is a tainted team for a tainted president chosen in a tainted election The idea that Donald Trump might become a “normal” American president once he moved into the White House was always for the birds. The 2016 contest was an abnormal election won…