Voices in the Dark

Voices in the dark,
you know the ones,
they have you tossing and turning
searching for that perfect spot on the pillow
while you lie awake late at night.
Voices, voices…. voices in the dark.

They speak to you in the language
of the Woulda-Coulda-Shoulda,
they invade your dreams,
challenge your inner-self,
plague you with demons of
self-doubt and uncertainty.
Voices, voices….. voices in the dark.

They remind you of lovers
gone but not forgotten,
triumphs and failures,
weaknesses and strengths.
Things you know you should have remembered,
of things you know you should have left alone.
Voices, voices…… voices in the dark.

They speak to you
with the wisdom of hindsight
and condemn you with the clarity of
yesterday’s news.  They remind you
of how blessed you’ve been and curse
you for the things you did not do.

Voices, voices …..voices in the dark.

Tenthltr2u (c) Dec 2007

Peace and holiday cheer to you and yours Family,                 


8 Comments Add yours

  1. the says:

    I have heard those voices.  They speak loudly and clearly.  Very nice peace.  You do good work, fella.  Peace.


  2. the says:

    Very nice piece.  Peace.


  3. Tenthltr2u says:

    Wordsmith,  your comments are greatly appreciated.  The voices in the dark were extremely loud and vocal in the wee hours of Saturday morning.   I think your work is great as well.  Keep puttin’ thought to paper my brother.


  4. TruEssence says:

    Beautiful piece!  I know about those voices!:)


  5. Tenthltr2u says:

    Chocolate and TruE, – We’ve all heard em’


  6. k says:

    Shout out to Brother Ten! 
    It’s been a long time since I’ve visited your beautiful space.  Your words never fail to touch my soul and challenge my mind.  Your creativity makes my world a better place!
    Keep on shining true and bright!
    Sister Cat


  7. Tenthltr2u says:

    What’s up Cat?
    Glad to hear from you.  Hope all is well.


  8. Joe says:

    Wow.  So true.  Sometimes I lay awake at night & just can’t shut down that internal diaglog…the "woulda-coulda-shoulda" just doesn’t stop…it just moves on to laying strategies for tomorrow and I am robbed of the moment.
    Happy Holidays,


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